اخترق ثغره PHP Classifieds معظم الإعلانات المبوبة مع السكربت 3x.ro

مشاهدات الان
 PHP Classifieds V6.09
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سكربت,PHP Classifieds,معظم الإعلانات المبوبة
PHP Classifieds, the original is one of the most customizable Classified ads program that exist for PHP and MySQL. It has been around since 1998 and was the first PHP Classifieds script introduced in the world. It has had over 1.000.000 downloads from version v1.
حولها منذ عام 1998 وكان أول الإعلانات المبوبة النصي PHP قدم في العالم. فقد كان أكثر من 1.000.000

Extrafields (Searchable), Unlimited Images (Imagmagick, GD or normal), unlimited categories and much much more makes it perfect for those who wants to set up a used stamps classifieds to those wanting to show and sell real estates.
Take a look at the features, or why not take our demo for a testride? If you have any questions, ask in our popular Discussion board, or open up a support ticket.

Everything included for $ 349 USD completely open for customize by you. Most of our competitors (on the same feature level) takes from $600 and up because you need to purchase extra modules which is by default included into PHP Classifieds from DeltaScripts. Also be aware of copycats that sell our old versions of our script to $80-$90 USD (those versions was free from us before).
Download and payment
You can purchase PHP Classifieds from our product page.

Live demonstration
You can test PHP Classifieds in our Live demo. Please note that many things, specially in admin area, will not work in order to avoid the demo install from being destroid. There will not be any messages, you will just see that pushing Create and other buttons just doesn't give any response. Try it out here

للمشاهده والتجربه مباشره
User side: المستخدم http://demo.deltascripts.com/classifieds
Admin area: مشرف المجال http://demo.deltascripts.com/classifieds/admin
User Name: admin
Password: admin
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